Golfo della Biodola



Elbabook, indipendent publishing festival
Rio nell’Elba 17-21 luglio 2017

Since 2015, Elbabook takes place in Rio nell’Elba. This festival means to give space to italian indipendent publishing, and aims to become one of the main events of the sector.

The 4 days venues will present many events and seminaries, and will host the assignment ceremony of the Prize Lorenzo Claris Appiani for the best traslation. The prize is patronized by Università per Stranieri di Siena, and the choosen language fo 2017 is the russian one.

Among the bigs: Frank Espinosa – a worldwide known designer – Domenico Quirico from La Stampa, and Isa Grassano from La Repubblica and L’Espresso.

The venue is sponsored by Comieco and Dampaì, and is patronized by Comune di Rio nell’Elba, Regione Toscana, Comune di Ferrara, Università per gli Stranieri di Siena, Fondazione Isola d’Elba, Fondazione Symbola, Camera di Commercio di Ferrara, Visit Ferrara.

For any further info, please visit:

Napoleone at the Elbe Island

Napoleone arrived to Elbe Island in 1814, and till 1815 lived at Villa dei Mulini, a residence that is now visitable. The period during which Napoleone stayed here was crucial, since the island become the focus of European political intrigues.

Here, there are many proofs of the stay of Napoleone’s court, such as Villa dei Mulini or Teatro dei Vigilanti, a theatre located in the same historical centre of the city.
Villa dei Mulini is in a very strategical position. For this reason, was chosen not only as Napoleone’s personal residence, but also as headquartes for the control of both the sea and the land. Indeed, the residence was linked to Forte Stella and Forte Falcone.
Moreover, street topography was changed in order to create an armed square, where Napoleone could browse his army.
At last, the main part of the residence was connected to private apartments of “Madame Mère”, Napoleone’s mother, who lived with him since 1814.

Inside the residence, are visitable both rooms where Napoleone lived and the beautiful garden, facing the sea.

Near Villa dei Mulini, you can see the famous lighthouse, that Grand Duke Leopoldo ordered to build. Being part of Forte Stella, this building was considered a true product of engineering for many years.